
#21 Furusato Nouzei(ふるさと納税について 日本語併記)

Y’s Tips Channel

#21 Furusto Nouzei(ふるさと納税について)

Today I’d like to talk about Furusato Nouzei. Furusato Nouzei is very popular in Japan,because if you do Furusato Nousei you can save some money and you can get something nice.


Furusato Nouzei s a donation. You can donate to Furusato. Furusato means a hometown in Japanese, but actually you can donate to any place where you live or where you are related to. And you can get a gift as a token of appreciation.


The donation can be deducted from your annual income. As a result you can reduce your income before tax and you can save your income tax.


As for Furusato Nouzei, at least 2000 yen is not deducted from your annual income. So in order to maximize the tax benefit you need to know the limit for the Furusato Nouzei.


In order to get the limit you’d better to use the website like this. So I’d like to tell you how to use the website.


When you use a website I’d like to recommend you to bring your Gensen Choushuuhyou with you. Because all information you need are written on your Gensen Choushuuhyou.


The website asks you some questions. So all you have to do is just answering the questions. First question is about your annual income. Since your annual income is written on your Gensen Choushuhyou you just type this number into this box like this.


Second question is about your family member. For example in his case he has a wife so he check the box like this. And he has a son he is 16 years old so he can check this box like this.


Third question is about the deduction. The deduction is also written on your Gensen Choushuuhyou . Again you can just type this number into this box.


Then finally you can get a limit for Furusato Nouzei. Since Furusato Nouzei is a donation you can donate as much as you want. In his case he donates 100,000 yen to his hometown.


Since 2000 yen cannot be deducted from your annual income he can deduct only 98 000 yen from his income before tax.


The residential tax is calculated differently. But you can get some idea how Furusato Nouzei works. In order to get the tax merit you can submit the Furusato Nouzei document to your company with Nenmatsu Chousei. So Furusato Nouzei is very easy to do for everybody.


So far I have talked about tax, however the most exciting part of Furusato Nouzei is a gift. Of course it is not the main purpose of Furusato Nouzei but it’s always nice if you have something on top. Let me introduce my hometown Miyako city. I was born in Iwate prefecture which is north part of Japan.


If you do Furusato Nouzei to miyako city you can choose a gift among them. For example this is sea urchin and fish sake and salmon eggs and noodles, and so on. Since my hometown is near to the ocean the most famous local products are something from ocean. So you can choose whatever you want. The numbers you can see here is related to the donation. If you donate 20,000 yen you can choose something which is under 20,000 yen. If you make a donation 100,000 yen you can choose all of them.

もしあなたが宮古市にふるさと納税をすると、これらの返戻品を選ぶことができます。例えば、うに、魚、お酒、いくら、ラーメン 他にもいろいろあります。宮古市は海に近いので、地元の名産品は海産物が多いです。この数字は寄付金の金額に関係します。もし2万円の寄付であれば、ここの数字が2万円以下のものを選びます。もし10万円の寄付であればここにあるすべての返戻品を選ぶことができます。